Join us sundays at 9:00 & 11:00AM

Rev. Kerry Powellpowell_kerry
Senior Pastor

Rev. Kerry Powell began his full-time appointment at Maples in July 2023.  He is originally from Shannon, MS, just a short drive away. Growing up in this close-knit Southern community instilled in him a deep appreciation for warm hospitality, rich traditions, and the value of genuine connections. Likewise, his wife Jennifer, originally from nearby Ecru, brings her own experiences and love for this region to our ministry.

As senior pastor, Kerry is passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ through worship, teaching, and nurturing relationships. The power of these connections cannot be overstated, as they have the potential to transform lives and deepen our understanding of God's love. As pastor, Kerry will partner with the congregation to explore the Scriptures and seek to discern God's will and purpose for our church.  One of Kerry's passions is designing plans that prepare us for what God has in store for our church family.  He firmly believes that through prayer, open dialogue, and a shared commitment to seeking God's guidance, we as a church can cultivate an environment where we are fully prepared to embrace the future with faith and joy.

Gail Ross gail
Administrative Secretary

Gail came to Maples in August 2021.  She graduated from Delta State University in Cleveland, MS, with a Bachelors in Business Administration. She began her career in Customer Service at FedEx, later managed and published a real estate magazine and most recently worked in the insurance industry. Gail is married with two daughters.  In her spare time, Gail enjoys spending time with her family and reading. 

Ben Larsen  
Assistant Pastor of Worship and Youth Ben1

Ben is a native to Olive Branch where his parents served as pastors at Mineral Wells UMC right down the road. At Ole Miss, he graduated with a degree in music education while playing a part in the Pride of the South Band, Ole Miss Choirs, and the Ole Miss Wesley Foundation. Since then, he has served in a number of churches in different capacities with worship and discipleship and has begun seminary classes online with Asbury Theological Seminary. Ben is newly married to Schyler Larsen, and they have two pups! Some of Ben’s loves are tennis, music, fishing, his pups, kayaking, hiking, disc golf, fixing things and almost whatever else you can think of! Life is full of these gifts from God!

Christi Rice christi
CYMT Children's Ministry Resident

Christi Rice is currently serving Maples Kids Ministry part time while completing a Masters of Arts in Youth Ministry with an emphasis in children’s ministry. She counts her titles as wife and mother as supreme blessings. She is mom to three girls, two goofy dogs, and one mischievous cat. Before hearing her call to ministry she completed her B.S. in Biological Sciences and proceeded to open her own business as a personal chef. After having children, she felt called to be a stay-at-home mom and homeschooled her children for six years. She enjoys cooking and baking as a past-time as well as crocheting, knitting, and being outdoors. 

Dr. Joey Lott IMG_20230807_122551
Pastor of Worship Arts

Joey serves as Pastor of Worship Arts. He earned his BA from Delta State University and an MM in vocal performance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He completed a Doctorate in Worship Studies at The Robert Webber Institute for Worship Studies in June 2014. While earning his BA degree in music, Joey served as a summer missionary in Washington State, Oregon, and Tokyo, Japan. He is very active in The Fellowship (The Fellowship of United Methodist Musicians in Worship and Arts). Joey joined the Maples Ministry Team in 2001 and he is also the choral director at Lewisburg High School.  He was born and raised in North Mississippi and is married with three children. Joey enjoys running, traveling, cooking, spending time with his family, and working in the yard.

Allen Sanders Allen
Organist / Pianist

Allen is a graduate of Mississippi State University, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with B. M. E in 2011. He is also a graduate of Florida State University, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude with a M.M.E. in Choral Music Education in 2021. Allen is starting his fourth year at Center Hill High School where he serves as the Director of Choirs and General Music Teacher. He has been a part of music making in Mississippi for 11 years years now, serving as accompanist for a variety of events such as the Mississippi Music Educators Association District II Honor Choir, Coro Fuente Men’s Choir, Mississippi-ACDA Children’s Choir Festival, Mississippi ACDA All-State Women’s Choir, and the Mississippi ACDA Summer Conference. Allen lives in Southaven with his amazing wife, Caysee, daughter, Briana and two dogs Faye Mae and Greta Anne.

Meghan White IMG_4559 copy
Nursery Coordinator

Meghan is a lifelong member of Maples Memorial UMC, beginning at Maples Learning Center in 1997. She has worked in the nursery since 2014, and is now serving as the Nursery Coordinator. Meghan attended Mississippi College and earned a Bachelors degree in psychology. She then attended the University of Memphis to earn a Masters degree in School Counseling. Meghan is currently the Kindergarten-2nd grade School Counselor at Pleasant Hill Elementary School and has been there for 4 years. She and her husband, Julian White, enjoy spending time with their two dogs, Riley and Cooper, grilling, and traveling.