Join us sundays at 9:00 & 11:00AM

 Written Devotionals

Written Devotionals are short write ups written about a particular aspect of our faith. They're essays that can talk about a particular anecdote, explain a story in the bible, and contextualize what faith can mean to different people. Devotionals can act as great ways to expand your viewpoint and consider things about God that you hadn't before.

If you would like to read written devotionals, you can click here to read devotionals written by staff members and click here to read devotionals written by Maples' congregation members. You can comment and react to these devotionals, and they are updated on an upon-completion basis.

During the seasons of Advent and Lent, the Maples family writes devotionals relevant to the season. These devotionals are published in devotional collections every season by Joey Lott. You can pick up a copy of this season's lenten devotional in the narthex or download it here!

If you would like to submit a devotional to the Maples congregation blog page, send it in a word document or pdf to