Join us sundays at 9:00 & 11:00AM

Greetings from the Worship Arts Ministry at Maples Memorial UMC! We are blessed that you have taken time to find out more about the Music ministry at Maples. Our desire is to bring people into a life changing celebration of Jesus Christ.

The Worship Arts Ministry exists to inspire, create, and lead congregational worship experiences at Maples. It is our hope that through our collective creativity, people will join in the creative story of God! We want to lead people into a life celebration of Jesus Christ and equip followers to lead others into this celebration of Jesus Christ.

At Maples, we desire to be relevant and authentic in worshiping God. May God bless you as you prayerfully consider Reaching Up, Reaching Within, and Reaching Out with Maples!

Come join us!

In His Service,
Joey Lott
Pastor of Worship Arts

Get Involved

Chancel Choir

The Maples Chancel Choir is the choir for our 11:00am worship services on Sunday Mornings. They meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30 for gathering and rehearsals. It would be a blessing to sing and fellowship with you!
Contact Dr. Joey Lott (Pastor of Worship Arts) for more info or questions at

Connection Worship Band

The Maples Connection Worship Band leads the congregation in worship at our 9:00 services on Sunday mornings.  They practice on Sunday mornings before worship at 7:30am. If you have musical gifts you like to share, we would love to have you on the team!
Contact Ben Larsen (Assistant Pastor of Worship and Youth) for more info or questions at

Maples Audio/Visual Team

The Maples Audio/Visual Team helps to run sound, screens, cameras, and service streaming equipment on Sunday mornings at both services. If you would like to help in at least one of these areas, please join us. Most of this stuff is set up to be run by anyone, so fear not! We can use you!
Contact Ben Larsen for more info or questions at