Sunday Morning Services
9:00 Service - The Connection
The Connection offers a more contemporary service experience, complete with a praise band, projector screen, and free coffee bar. It's often favored by people who like worship services to have a casual feel, and more experimental methods of worship. It has the same feel as attending a freshly planted church. The connections you make here are personal, you will feel seen, and you will come to know God in a more intimate way. You can attend this service at 9:00 in the Main Sanctuary on Sunday mornings and on select accoustic worship nights. -
11:00 Service - Traditions
Our 11:00 service is called "Traditions." It offers a traditional worship service, complete with an organ, a choir, and printed hymn books. We loosely follow the Methodist Book of Worship when building the Traditions service. It's often favored by people who prefer their services to be high worship. You will be blown away by the bombastic energy and the quiet introspection we can have in this service. It's located in the Sanctuary at 11:00 on Sunday mornings, but you can also view it using our Livestream page.
We highly encourage you to attend one of our services in person! While our online campus is a high priority for us, there's nothing that quite matches the in-person connection you can make at Maples. Our congregation really is like a family, and we love nothing more than making others feel like they're at home! If you're visiting, please let us get to know you more by filling our the yellow information card in your bulletin, and by talking with Pastor Stephen or Pastor Sam in the narthex after a service!