Join us sundays at 9:00 & 11:00AM

Tailgate General

It’s football season and Tailgate Ministry is back! We will be tailgating at home football games for Center Hill, Olive Branch, Lewisburg, and Desoto Central High Schools. This is a great way to get in touch with the community and show folks the love of Jesus Christ by conversation, fellowship, and serving them a delicious hamburger or hotdog. We are set-up from 5:00 until kick-off!

You can support this ministry by signing up to help and/or donating financially to help keep our tents up and running:

If you would like to donate, you can make a financial contribution by writing a check earmarked "Tailgate Ministry" or click here to make an online contribution. 

Set Up!

We have two shifts you can sing up for. Shift one is 3:45-5:30, and shift two is 5:30-7:15. The first shift will cook most food beforehand, load everything up, and bring it all over to the school for that week. For shift one, we meet at the church at 3:45 to cook, load up and drive to the school at about 4:30 to set up, and tailgate until 5:30 where shift two comes in. For shift two, we tailgate from 5:30 until kick-off, load everything up, and unload back at the church.

Click this link to sign-up for a shift!!

Contact Ben Larsen for more information. 

Look below for the dates and locations!

Sept. 13 - @ Center Hill HS
Sept. 20 - @ Olive Branch HS
Oct. 4- @ Lewisburg HS
Oct. 18 - @ Center Hill HS and @ Desoto Central HS