Programming Times at Maples!
Sunday School:
Sunday School is an essential part of Christian education and fellowship. Be sure to plug into a Sunday School class during the 10:00 hour on Sunday Mornings.
- Agape - ROOM 161 (Led by Kevin Doddridge)
- J.O.Y. Seekers - ROOM 162 (Led by David Kirchhoff)
- Wesleyan - ROOM 118 (Led by Lynn Cox and Ron Tucker)
- Outreach - ROOM 120 (Led by Pat Dorr)
- Young Adults - ROOM 141 (Rotating Lead)
Youth & Children:
- Nursery & Toddlers - ROOM 153 (1 year old-5 years old)
- Maples Kids - ROOM 175 (Pre-K Through 5th Graders)
- Maples Youth - ROOM 181 (6th Grade-12th Grade)(Led by Eason Treadway)
Sunday Nights:
- Adult Study: During the semester, we have different adult studies that last a few weeks. Most of these studies have an end date, then we break for a few weeks between topics, and then start a new study with a new topic or focus. When studies are in session, we meet on Sunday Nights from 6:00 to 7:30. Dr. Lynn Cox will be leading the next study with a focus on the Gospel of Luke. Dates are soon to follow!
- Children’s Study: During the semester, Maples Kids will meet simultaniously with the ongoing adult studies on Sunday Nights. When adult studies are in session, Maples Kids will meet on Sunday Nights from 6:00 to 7:30. New dates are soon to Follow! Maples Kids will also have periodic excursions on Sunday nigths and different special events, so keep up to date with upcoming Maples Kids events and activities by clicking here!
- Youth Nights: Maples Youth meet on Sunday nights for what we call "Youth Nights!" This is our big group time, taking place at the church. This is a time of fellowship, spiritual growth, worship, spiritual gift training, fun, and food. All youth in the Olive Branch surrounding areas are welcome to come be a part of this Youth Night every week from 5:00pm to 7:30pm! Click Here to check out our Youth page for more youth info!
Wednesday Nights:
- Chancel Choir Practice: Our Chancel Choir practices on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm for the upcoming Sunday mornings. Visit here for more details on music at Maples.
- Youth Connection Groups: Maples Youth meets on Wednesday nights for a time of fellowship and discussion. This is open to all Youth, so feel free to bring a friend. We meet between 6:00-8:00pm every Wednesday night during the semester. Click Here to check out our Youth page for more youth info!
Other Opportunities to get connected!
- Maples Ladies Group: We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 11:00am to fellowship and discern as a group how God is calling us to work for his kingdom.
- Prayer Life Group: Meets on Wednesdays at 1:00pm in Room 120
- Next Steps Sewing Group: Meets on Wednesday mornings at 10:00am in Room 131.
- Maples Men's Ministry: Our mission is to help men grow in Christ, so others may know Christ. MMM meets on the third Saturday morning of each month in room 181 for breakfast and fellowship. Numerous service opportunities and events are planned throughout the year as well!
- Rook Club: Meets the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in Room 118
- Chancel Choir: Contact our Worship Arts Pastor, Dr. Joey Lott, at to get involved.
- Connection Band: Get in contact with Ben Larsen at to find ways to use your gifts in modern worship. We would love to have you help us lead others in worship!
If you would like to know more about how to get plugged in here at Maples MUMC, contact us at