Special Called Church Conference
August 6, 2023
9:30am – 11:00am
Location: 8745 Goodman Rd, Sanctuary, Olive Branch, MS 38654
Category: Meeting Coordinator:The Maples Leadership Team has unanimously voted to move forward in the process of converting Maples into a Lighthouse Congregation for the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church. We will be holding a special called church conference on Sunday, August 6th during the 9:00 and 11:00 services. During this conference, we will vote on becoming a Lighthouse Congregation. If we receive a majority vote to become a Lighthouse Congregation, then we will move forward in the process.
What does it mean to be a Lighthouse Congregation?
A Lighthouse Congregation is a church within a United Methodist Conference that dedicates itself to offering support those who may have lost their church homes due to closure or disaffiliation over the past few years. By becoming a Lighthouse Congregation, we pledge not only to remain in the United Methodist Church, but also to help hurting people heal in the following ways:
- Worship: Providing worship opportunities online and in person. These services should be intentional about engaging and welcoming new people into the fold.
- Discipleship: Creating space to learn and grow, through small group gatherings, Bible studies and prayer opportunities.
- Mission: Inviting others into opportunities to serve through hands on ministries. This can include things like backpack ministries, community gardens, literacy programs, or anything that involves making a difference and sharing the love of God with others. There will be no pressure to participate, get connected to small groups or assigned to a committee. Invitation, welcome, and patience are the guide words.
- Sacrament: Communion will be offered at least one Sunday a month, but also may include invitations to communion outside of traditional worship such as mid-week gatherings and in small groups.
- Pastoral Care: Offering care such as hospital visits, gatherings at coffee shops, and finding ways to be available to those who are in need of pastoral care. This is not just the responsibility of the pastor but includes ways in which the congregation may engage in visitation ministries, meal trains, and communications ministries.
- Healing: Being sensitive to the hurt and wounds of those that they encounter and helping them through prayer, support, fellowship, love, grace, and patience to walk through the healing process.
- Discernment: Helping others to discern their gifts, graces and the path and place that God has laid out for their life.